How healthy are Canadian lakes? To answer this question, we must monitor lake health and the threats posed by human activities, but to date, there has been limited coordinated action to monitor lakes, especially to compare current and historical data. For many lakes, we have little relevant data.
This is a problem faced by policymakers, lake associations, municipalities, lake managers, scientists and the general public. It affects decision-making at a time when lakes are threatened by multiple and complex factors.
Research, collaboration and management
Through multidisciplinary projects, LakePulse researchers and students will address these critical:
Is lake degradation widespread in Canada or worse in certain regions?

Is lake health getting better, worse or staying the same?
How does land use and climate change affect lake health?

National assessment of lakes
By bringing together lake research, environmental protection and policy communities across Canada, we can better understand, manage and conserve lake resources. LakePulse provides:
- LakePulse Survey: A coordinated survey of lake health across Canada
- LakePulse Field Manual: Robust and comparable sampling methods
- LakePulse research: Collaborations between academics and government
- New tools for lake management
Accessible data
When tackling freshwater issues, science-based information is required, but key data are missing or not accessible. LakePulse aims to provide accessible and relevant scientific information:
- Water Portal: Environmental data provided in a way that is easy to use and understand
- New indicators of lake health for monitoring programs
- LakePulse database: A national lake database that everyone can access